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'Unspoken' for Continuum


Updated: Feb 17, 2023

The opportunity to collaborate with non-human is always a delight. Bringing forth and making visible that which is unseen or unheard. I spent time observing Plas Bodfa and reflecting on the sense of space and place. By working in the Ma, the liminal space between reality and the imagined, I proceeded to make the intangible tangible, communicating the expression of the building.

Plas Bodfa is a currently empty manor house outside of Llangoed on the Isle of Anglesey in North Wales. Built in 1920, Plas Bodfa was home to five different families before becoming a steak house, then a residential care home and finally the headquarters of a tapestry kit company, complete with a tearoom and gift shop. Plas Bodfa then sat empty for twelve years. Current owners Jonathan Lewis and Julie Upmeyer are transforming the property into a cultural hub.

The work ‘Unspoken’ will be shown at Bodfa Continuum 9th – 24th April, 2022

It is a narrative that is manifest as an unwitting performance whereby visitors to Plas Bodfa walk over the words that have been written in white chalk on the floorboards of an upstairs corridor. The corridor leads to rooms containing works by other exhibiting artists. There is no other route to these rooms. In walking over the words, they will slowly be rendered unreadable in their entirety, symbolising the human impact on a building whose words are unheard or considered unspoken by the human presence.

The decay of the work will be documented at agreed times through the duration of the exhibition.

Further information about Plas Bodfa & Bodfa Continuum can be found here.


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